John Clarkson

  • John Clarkson
    John Clarkson
    Looking for help to review or contribute to a document that lays the foundation for a Resilient Flood Building Code. The goal of this report is to generate enough interest and momentum to form an international group of experts that would develop a "model" building code for a Flood Defense Systems (FDS) while incorporating resiliency, that would incorporate world-wide lessons learned from rare/high consequence catastrophic flood events. The report also ties resiliency as a component of sustainability. Of critical importance is to incorporate the concept of resilience to overloading to a FDS if the flood exceeds the top of the barrier. The features described in the report will ensure resilience to the system by allowing it to survive this overload without catastrophic failure, endure only cosmetic damage, and be capable of withstanding the design loads after the significant flood event passes and returning to normal service. The incremental costs of these features are minor comp
    November 2012
  • John Clarkson
    John Clarkson joined.
    October 2012

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October 2012
Last Active
November 2012


US Army Corps of Engineers
United States of America